Issue Position: Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

Immigration reform is a family and economy issue. I stand with the eight Utah university presidents that last year wrote a letter to our Congressional delegation calling for a comprehensive, bipartisan solution.

- I believe that the four main pillars for an effective national immigration policy are maintaining border security, verification of employee status, passage of the Dream Act, an attainable pathway to citizenship.

- Student visas do not take college spots away from American students. The truth is that we simply do not have enough students applying for our science, technology, engineering, and mathematics programs. These international students are a great asset to our economy, and we need to let them have the opportunity to work towards finding a permanent job here instead of losing them.

- I applaud President Obama for doubling the number of Border Patrol since 2004.

- It is time for our law enforcement officers to be given the tools necessary for the 21st century, including the ability to crack down on criminals who hire undocumented workers so that all companies are playing by the same rules.

- It is impractical and immoral to deport 11 million people and split up families. The America that I grew up in is not one that punishes those who are willing to work hard and play by the rules. These immigrants must be able to come out of the shadows and follow an attainable pathway to citizenship. This pathway will include a checklist such as showing that they are up to date on all taxes.
